رُفات قلب.. كتبت: فوزية الكوراني بقلمها
نادت على أولادها: حسن.. نعيم.. ساره.. هدى.. هيا..
نظرت إلى الصورة المعلقة على الجدار ودمعت عيناها؛ "لقد غادرتنا مبكرًا وتركت الحمل الثقيل على عاتقي "
صوتها كان ضعيف جدًا عادت تناديهم: حسن.. ساره.. سمعت صوت أقدام تتراكض؛ كانت هيا أصغرهم في المنزل ركضت مذهولة عندما سمعت هذا الصوت من غرفة أمها التي دخلت في الكوما منذ أكثر من عام بعد أن أغميّ عليها نتيجة ارتفاع الضغط الذي سبب لها جلطة في مركز حساس من الدماغ؛ وبعد ثلاثة أشهر في المشفى قُطع الأمل من شفائها..
طلب الأطباء منهم أن يعيدوها إلى المنزل؛ لأنهم فعلوا كل مابوسعهم والأعمار بيد الله، وكل أسبوع يأتي الطبيب المعالج يطمئن على حالتها..
دخلت هيا وارتمت في حضن أمها تبكي وتحمد الله ومريم مستغربه منها لما كل هذا قائلة:
_ مابك ياحبيبتي لما كل هذا البكاء ماذا حدث لما أنا في الفراش ولما هذا السيروم معلق بذراعي؟، ساعديني لكي أنهض واعود أكمل الطعام و:
_ ماما حبيبتي الحمد لله على السلامة..
قالتها هيا واخذت تتصل بكل إخوتها وتقول لهم ماما عادت إلى الحياة أسرعوا..
حدقت مريم مستغربة من سماع هذا الكلام!
ماذا يعني عدت إلى الحياة؟
تحاول الفهم لكن دون جدوى تشعر بأن ذاكرتها بيضاء ليس فيها أي تفاصيل..
وصل الجميع والكل فرح ووصل مع ابنها حسن الطبيب. حيث فحصها وهي تحاول فهم ماجرى واخبرهم أنها معجزة من الله عودتها من الكوما!..
صعقت عند سماع هذه الكلمة إذًا هي كانت في غيبوبة
عام وأكثر كما يقول الطبيب..
كيف عاشوا أولادي لوحدهم كل هذه المدة..
حسن أكبر أولادي مهندس مدني كان في عامه الأول بعد التخرج وكنا نجهز سوية مكتب والده بعد أن أغلق كل هذه المدة، ونحاول نجدد الفرش وإلى آخره..
نعيم الثاني: كان قد تخرج من كلية العلوم بمجموع أهَله لأن يكون معيد بكليته وكان سنة أولى دبلوم..
ساره وهدى: توأم في كلية التجارة سنة ثالثة..
هيا: آخر العنقود كانت سنة أولى هندسة حاسبات..
ياالله كيف غبت عنهم كل هذه المدة، رغم أني لم أغيب عنهم ساعة منذ أن توفي والدهم من تسعة عشرا عامًا.. آه كم كان الأمر صعيب عليهم..
كانت مريم في حالة اللاوعي؛ لا لأنها عادت من الغيبوبة بل لأنها كانت قلقة على أولادها كيف كانت حياتهم تسير بدونها..
من كان يحضر لهم الطعام؟ حسن لا يحب الأكل الجاهز ولايستسيغ أي طعام إلا من يدايّ، و ورق العنب كل إسبوع يجب أن تحضره له؛ لأنه يحبه كثيرا مثل والده..
نعيم لايحب كيّ قمصانه عند المغسلة أقوم بكيّها بنفسي وهو يهتم بأناقته إلى درجة الإفراط ويعتمد على ذوقي في اختيار ملابسه كما كان والده يثق باختياري لملابسه؛ وكان ينتظرني اسبوع واكثر عندما اكون مشغولة لكي انزل معه السوق ليشتري ملابسه..
هدى وسارة: هذا التوأم المشاكس على قدر حبهم لبعض وتعلقهم ببعض على قدر خلافاتهم، ودومًا أكون الحَكم بينهم وافض خلافاتهم المستعصية، بالإضافة إلى أنهم مدمنين بوشار ولايأكلوه إلا من صنعي، وكل مساء يجب أن يكون صحن البوشار على الطاولة وهم يذاكرون دورسهم..
هيا صغيرتي التي مهما كبرت آراها بنظري ذات الضفيرتين التي جاءت الحياة بعد رحيل والدها بشهور فكنت لها أمًا وابًا..
كانت لاتستطيع النوم إلا على صدري حتى لما تذاكر دورسها يجب أن تضع رأسها في حجري ويدايّ تداعب شعرها..
كيف مرت عليهم الأيام بدوني؟
غمرتهم الفرحة عندما قال لهم الطبيب أن الحمدلله أنها بحالة جيدة مع العناية ستعود كما كانت وأحسن..
بدأت تقرأ مافاتها بتصرفاتهم:
لمحت في إِصبع حسن خاتم الخطوبة؛ أكيد خطب زميلته التي كان مغرمًا بها وأنا لاأريدها لإختلاف البيئة بيننا...
هدى تطيل الكلام على الجوال ونعيم يغمز لها بعينيه وهو يبتسم!
نعم هذه العادة لاأحبها وكانت سبب زعلي دومًا منها..
سارة وجهت الكلام لحسن قائلة: المعيد طلب مني أن أحدد له موعد معك واحمرت وجنتاها وخرجت من الغرفة..
آه هذا المعيد الذي كنت أراه تافه دلول والديّه ووحيدهم لأن والدته قريبة جارتي التي لم تفتأ أن تثرثر عنه في جلسة الصباح مع القهوة؛ منذ أن عرفت بالصدفة أنه معيد في كلية التجارة..
هيا طلبت من نعيم أن لاينسى موعد الرحلة التي تقيمها الكلية الى إحدى المنتجعات لمدة يومين؛ وأنها سجلت إسمه مرافق معها..
آه كم كنت ضد فكرة الرحلات في المدارس والجامعات خوفًا عليهم ولم أكن استوعب فكرة نوم أحدهم خارج المنزل لأي سبب..
كان خوفي عليهم أكبر من خوف كل الأمهات؛ لأنني كنت أنا المسؤلة عليهم، كنت أعتقد أي مكروه يلم بهم أكون أنا السبب في ذلك لأنني قد أكون قصرت بتربيتي لهم، رغم أني كنت أسمع المديح من كل من حولي من الأهل والأقارب والأصدقاء، والكل ينصحني أن أخفف من حرصي الزائد عليهم..
إذًا كانت عجلات الحياة تسير بشكل طبيعي لم يعرقلها غيبوبتي!!!.. لم ينتظرني أحد...
كنت أشعر أن الحياة تتوقف عند غيابي عنهم ولذلك كنت أدعو الله أن يطيل في عمري لكي أرى كل واحد منهم متستقلًا في حياته مع شريكه..
لأنني كنت على يقين أنهم لايستطعيون العيش بدوني لذلك كنت أخطط لهم ولحياتهم..
لم أعلم أن صلاحيتي قد تنتهي يومًا ولو كنت على قيد الحياة!..
{Heart Remains}
Maryam woke up from her slumber for a year and a half, not knowing that she had slept for so long; She tried to get up but she found her arms hanging from a tube with what they call (the serum), which is usually placed for patients for feeding. She was astonished by that. She tried to recover something from her memory. Yes, she was cooking and she no longer remembered what happened and why she is now in bed.
She called out to her children: Hasan.. Naim.. Sarah.. Hoda.. Haya..
She looked at the picture hanging on the wall and brought tears to her eyes; "You left early and left the heavy burden on me."
Her voice was very weak. She called them back: Hasan.. Sarah.. She heard the sound of feet running; Haya was the youngest in the house. She ran stunned when she heard this sound from her mother's room, who entered the coma more than a year ago after she fainted due to the high pressure that caused her to have a clot in a sensitive center of the brain; After three months in the hospital, all hope of her recovery was cut off.
The doctors asked them to take her home; Because they did everything they could and everything are in the hands of God. Every week ,the treating doctor comes to check on her condition..
Haya entered and fell on her mother's lap, crying and thanking God.Maryam was surprised by her for all this, saying:
_ What is wrong with you, my love, why all this crying, what happened why was l in bed? And why is this serum hanging on my arm? Help me to get up and go back to finish the food.
_ Mamy, my love, thanks God for your safety.
She come on and she called all her brothers and cried: Mamy came back to life ! hurry up.
Maryam stared surprised to hear this! She said: What does it mean to come back to life?
She tried to understand, but in vain, she felt that her memory is white with no details.
Everyone arrived and everyone was happy. The doctor examined her while she was trying to understand what had happened .He told them that it was a miracle from God that she returned from the coma!..
She was dumbfounded when she heard this word that she was in a coma a year and more
"How did my children live on their own for so long?"
Hasan ,the oldest of my children, is a civil engineer. He was in his first year after graduation, and we were preparing together his father's office after it was closed for so long. we were trying to renew the mattresses and so on..
Naim ,the second, had graduated from the College of Science with marks that qualified him to be a teaching assistant in his college, and he was a first year diploma.
Sarah and Hoda are twins .they were in the Faculty of Commerce in the third year ..
Haya ,the youngest, was a first year of computer engineering.
" Oh God, how have I been absent from them for so long, even though I have not been away from them for an hour since their father died nineteen years ago?! Oh, how difficult it was for them?"
Maryam was unconscious; Not because she came back from a coma, but because she was worried about her children, how their lives would go without her.
Who was bringing them food? Hasan does not like ready-made food and does not like any food except of mine, and she must cook grape leaves for him every week , because he loves it as much as his father.
Naim does not like ironing his shirts at the laundry. I iron them myself, and he cares about his elegance to the point of excessive and depends on my taste in choosing his clothes, as his father trusted me with my choice of clothes; He used to wait a week or more for me when I was busy to go to the market with him to buy his clothes.
Huda and Sarah,The feisty twin, are as much as their love for each other , as much as their differences, and I always judge between them and settle their intractable differences, in addition to that they are addicted to popcorn and only eat it of my own making. Every evening, a bowl of popcorn must be on the table while they study their lessons..
Haya, my little girl, who, no matter how old she is, I see her with the two braids that came to life months after her father's dead, so I became both her mother and father.
She could only sleep on my chest, even when she studied her lessons, she had to put her head in my lap and my hands stroke her hair.
"How did the days pass without me?"
They were overjoyed when the doctor told them that, praise be to God, she is in good condition and with care, she will return to the way she was and better.
She began to read what had been done with their behavior by her absnce :
I glimpsed Hasan's engagement ring's finger; Surely he got engaged to his colleague whom he was in love with, and I do not want her because of the difference in the environment between us...
Huda prolongs talking on the mobile and Naim winks at her with his eyes and smiles!
Yes, this habit I do not like, and it has always been the reason I was upset with her.
Sarah addressed Hasan, saying: The teaching assistant asked me to make an appointment with you, and she blushed and left the room.
Ah, this teaching assistant whom I used to see as insignificant and lonely spoiled kid. His mother was a relative of my neighbor, who did not cease to babble about him in the morning session with coffee; Since I found out by chance that he is a teaching assistant at the Faculty of Commerce..
Haya, asked Naim not to forget the date of the college trip to a resort for two days; And she registered his name with her..
Oh, I was against the idea of trips in schools and universities for fear of them, and I did not understand the idea of someone sleeping outside the house for any reason.
My fear for them was greater than that of all mothers, because I was the only responsible one for them. I always thought I was the reason for all their troubles that because I had failed to raise them, even though I heard praise from all those around me from my family, relatives and friends, and everyone advised me to reduce my excessive concern for them..
So the wheels of life were moving normally, and my coma didn't hinder them!!!..no one waited for me...
I used to feel that life will stopp as I am away from them, so I was praying to God to prolong my life so that I could see each one of them independent in his life with his partner.
I was sure they couldn't live without me so I was planning for their lives
And now , I find myself that everything I did is gone and I became as any commodity in life has expired.. Fawzieh AlCorany
Maryam woke up from her slumber for a year and a half, not knowing that she had slept for so long; She tried to get up but she found her arms hanging from a tube with what they call (the serum), which is usually placed for patients for feeding. She was astonished by that. She tried to recover something from her memory. Yes, she was cooking and she no longer remembered what happened and why she is now in bed.
She called out to her children: Hasan.. Naim.. Sarah.. Hoda.. Haya..
She looked at the picture hanging on the wall and brought tears to her eyes; "You left early and left the heavy burden on me."
Her voice was very weak. She called them back: Hasan.. Sarah.. She heard the sound of feet running; Haya was the youngest in the house. She ran stunned when she heard this sound from her mother's room, who entered the coma more than a year ago after she fainted due to the high pressure that caused her to have a clot in a sensitive center of the brain; After three months in the hospital, all hope of her recovery was cut off.
The doctors asked them to take her home; Because they did everything they could and everything are in the hands of God. Every week ,the treating doctor comes to check on her condition..
Haya entered and fell on her mother's lap, crying and thanking God.Maryam was surprised by her for all this, saying:
_ What is wrong with you, my love, why all this crying, what happened why was l in bed? And why is this serum hanging on my arm? Help me to get up and go back to finish the food.
_ Mamy, my love, thanks God for your safety.
She come on and she called all her brothers and cried: Mamy came back to life ! hurry up.
Maryam stared surprised to hear this! She said: What does it mean to come back to life?
She tried to understand, but in vain, she felt that her memory is white with no details.
Everyone arrived and everyone was happy. The doctor examined her while she was trying to understand what had happened .He told them that it was a miracle from God that she returned from the coma!..
She was dumbfounded when she heard this word that she was in a coma a year and more
"How did my children live on their own for so long?"
Hasan ,the oldest of my children, is a civil engineer. He was in his first year after graduation, and we were preparing together his father's office after it was closed for so long. we were trying to renew the mattresses and so on..
Naim ,the second, had graduated from the College of Science with marks that qualified him to be a teaching assistant in his college, and he was a first year diploma.
Sarah and Hoda are twins .they were in the Faculty of Commerce in the third year ..
Haya ,the youngest, was a first year of computer engineering.
" Oh God, how have I been absent from them for so long, even though I have not been away from them for an hour since their father died nineteen years ago?! Oh, how difficult it was for them?"
Maryam was unconscious; Not because she came back from a coma, but because she was worried about her children, how their lives would go without her.
Who was bringing them food? Hasan does not like ready-made food and does not like any food except of mine, and she must cook grape leaves for him every week , because he loves it as much as his father.
Naim does not like ironing his shirts at the laundry. I iron them myself, and he cares about his elegance to the point of excessive and depends on my taste in choosing his clothes, as his father trusted me with my choice of clothes; He used to wait a week or more for me when I was busy to go to the market with him to buy his clothes.
Huda and Sarah,The feisty twin, are as much as their love for each other , as much as their differences, and I always judge between them and settle their intractable differences, in addition to that they are addicted to popcorn and only eat it of my own making. Every evening, a bowl of popcorn must be on the table while they study their lessons..
Haya, my little girl, who, no matter how old she is, I see her with the two braids that came to life months after her father's dead, so I became both her mother and father.
She could only sleep on my chest, even when she studied her lessons, she had to put her head in my lap and my hands stroke her hair.
"How did the days pass without me?"
They were overjoyed when the doctor told them that, praise be to God, she is in good condition and with care, she will return to the way she was and better.
She began to read what had been done with their behavior by her absnce :
I glimpsed Hasan's engagement ring's finger; Surely he got engaged to his colleague whom he was in love with, and I do not want her because of the difference in the environment between us...
Huda prolongs talking on the mobile and Naim winks at her with his eyes and smiles!
Yes, this habit I do not like, and it has always been the reason I was upset with her.
Sarah addressed Hasan, saying: The teaching assistant asked me to make an appointment with you, and she blushed and left the room.
Ah, this teaching assistant whom I used to see as insignificant and lonely spoiled kid. His mother was a relative of my neighbor, who did not cease to babble about him in the morning session with coffee; Since I found out by chance that he is a teaching assistant at the Faculty of Commerce..
Haya, asked Naim not to forget the date of the college trip to a resort for two days; And she registered his name with her..
Oh, I was against the idea of trips in schools and universities for fear of them, and I did not understand the idea of someone sleeping outside the house for any reason.
My fear for them was greater than that of all mothers, because I was the only responsible one for them. I always thought I was the reason for all their troubles that because I had failed to raise them, even though I heard praise from all those around me from my family, relatives and friends, and everyone advised me to reduce my excessive concern for them..
So the wheels of life were moving normally, and my coma didn't hinder them!!!..no one waited for me...
I used to feel that life will stopp as I am away from them, so I was praying to God to prolong my life so that I could see each one of them independent in his life with his partner.
I was sure they couldn't live without me so I was planning for their lives
And now , I find myself that everything I did is gone and I became as any commodity in life has expired.. Fawzieh AlCorany
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