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Moon Is In Her Joys .. Dusmanta Choudhury


Moon is in her Joy & sun is in zing
What a sweet love she does bring
No tongue can speak but her eyes
Any muffled eye can too surmise

She is a pond,the moss is her hair
Pure and glassy water is her luster
Lotus is her face under her tresses
What a beauty,no artist can assess

All that's pious of heart of hearts
So soft as cheese & flower departs
Upon her looks and at her words
A dry wood sprouts & stems buds

So pure & pious words that drizzle
Meet her true aspects,none to fizzle
Governs she her action,ever is done
Between two aspects,she does run

Moves one step ahead,in deep dark
But scrambles she out, with a spark
Of all earthly hopes,born in hearts
All beauties in her,are divine parts

Copyright @Dusmanta Choudhury

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