Izbeglica.. Refik Martinović
Sinoć sam te sreo
u nesanjanom koraku
na raskršću
kuda svi prolaze
u negledanju.
Prođoh pokraj tebe
bili smo tvrđava i zaborav
stranci u noći
okrznuše nam se sećanja
poprskana mrljama
dugih čekanja
jer putevi nam nisu bili isti
u zanemelom vremenu
koje nije volelo
ogladnela sretanja.
Ugledah ti osmeh
u treptaju mimohoda
sa pogledom deteta
koji sam uvek voleo
bio je kao ptičji let
kada smo žedni pili vodu
zajedno sa pticama
i jurili prema nebu
tražeći snoviđenja.
Nisi ni primetila
moj slatki nemir
i čežnju koja je kapala
iz pukotina ranjene duše
uvijene oblogama ljubavi
jer sva sretanja zadaju bol
koja je najjača
kad se duše vole
...a ja sam mislio
da sam te davno sahranio.
Možda je ovaj susret
samo dogovor duša
koje se bude kad se čekaju
u skrivenim pogledima
na raskršćima.
Otišla si...
nisi se ni okrenula
i ne saznadoh
da li si bila žena ili sena
a ti nisi prepoznala
izbeglicu iz tvoga srca.
Last night I met you
In a dreamless step,
At the crossroads
Where everybody
Passing by,
Without any looking.
I passed by you;
We were fortress
And oblivion,
Strangers in the night.
Our memories
Scratched one another,
Splashed with stains
Of long waiting
Because our roads
Were not the same
In this numbed time
Which didn't like
Starved encounters.
I saw your smile
In the blink of the passage
You had a child's eyes
That I always loved,
They were like a bird's flight,
When we drank water,
Along with birds,
And rushed to the sky
Searching for the dreams.
You haven't even noticed
My sweet disturbance
And longing
Which leaked
From the cracks of Wounded soul
Wrapped with pledgets of love
Because all encounters
Cause pain
Which is the strongest
When souls love one another.
And I thought
That I burried you
Long time ago...
Maybe this encounter
Is only the arrangement between souls
Who wake up in waiting one another
In hidden sights,
At the crossroads.
You left…
Haven't even turned around
And I couldn't manage to find out
Whether you were a woman or a shadow,
And you haven't manage to recognize
The refugee from your heart.
u nesanjanom koraku
na raskršću
kuda svi prolaze
u negledanju.
Prođoh pokraj tebe
bili smo tvrđava i zaborav
stranci u noći
okrznuše nam se sećanja
poprskana mrljama
dugih čekanja
jer putevi nam nisu bili isti
u zanemelom vremenu
koje nije volelo
ogladnela sretanja.
Ugledah ti osmeh
u treptaju mimohoda
sa pogledom deteta
koji sam uvek voleo
bio je kao ptičji let
kada smo žedni pili vodu
zajedno sa pticama
i jurili prema nebu
tražeći snoviđenja.
Nisi ni primetila
moj slatki nemir
i čežnju koja je kapala
iz pukotina ranjene duše
uvijene oblogama ljubavi
jer sva sretanja zadaju bol
koja je najjača
kad se duše vole
...a ja sam mislio
da sam te davno sahranio.
Možda je ovaj susret
samo dogovor duša
koje se bude kad se čekaju
u skrivenim pogledima
na raskršćima.
Otišla si...
nisi se ni okrenula
i ne saznadoh
da li si bila žena ili sena
a ti nisi prepoznala
izbeglicu iz tvoga srca.
Last night I met you
In a dreamless step,
At the crossroads
Where everybody
Passing by,
Without any looking.
I passed by you;
We were fortress
And oblivion,
Strangers in the night.
Our memories
Scratched one another,
Splashed with stains
Of long waiting
Because our roads
Were not the same
In this numbed time
Which didn't like
Starved encounters.
I saw your smile
In the blink of the passage
You had a child's eyes
That I always loved,
They were like a bird's flight,
When we drank water,
Along with birds,
And rushed to the sky
Searching for the dreams.
You haven't even noticed
My sweet disturbance
And longing
Which leaked
From the cracks of Wounded soul
Wrapped with pledgets of love
Because all encounters
Cause pain
Which is the strongest
When souls love one another.
And I thought
That I burried you
Long time ago...
Maybe this encounter
Is only the arrangement between souls
Who wake up in waiting one another
In hidden sights,
At the crossroads.
You left…
Haven't even turned around
And I couldn't manage to find out
Whether you were a woman or a shadow,
And you haven't manage to recognize
The refugee from your heart.
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