Oh,The Merciful Lord… Prof.Dr.Maheswar Das
Date. 28.08.2021
Oh,The Merciful Lord
There is nothing in the
world like you
You are the epitome of love and blessedness
The epitome of magnanmity.
How much I thought of you.
Throughout the day and night I am thinking of you.
You are gloriously present everywhere.
The more I think of you ,the more your glory is revealed.
Wherever I look,your gracious figure is coming to my mind.
For you are everywhere and in everything.
Now I realized how it is nice to think of you,
In every object of the world living and nonliving.
There is nothing more blessedness than to
feel you everwhere
To remain under your spell of hapliness and blessedness .
To remain in your sweet claps .
Though In this earth field other thoughts are coming and disturbing
But I am trying to remain calm,thinking that these thoughts are also coming from you.
With this thought in mind, when I am merging in your lovely thoughts,they are
fleeing to their nest.
Oh,Supreme sweet master of the world your boundless love
has so beautifully enveloped the whole world.
It is clearly visible how distinctly and dazzlingly you are present in all the objects of the world
Oh,merciful father ,it is only you and you that I am thinking of always.
Oh merciful lord of the
Universe forgive the mankind who have done so much damage to the sacred powers of .
And save the ravaged earth and save us.
Prof.Dr.Maheswar Das@Copyright.
Oh,The Merciful Lord
There is nothing in the
world like you
You are the epitome of love and blessedness
The epitome of magnanmity.
How much I thought of you.
Throughout the day and night I am thinking of you.
You are gloriously present everywhere.
The more I think of you ,the more your glory is revealed.
Wherever I look,your gracious figure is coming to my mind.
For you are everywhere and in everything.
Now I realized how it is nice to think of you,
In every object of the world living and nonliving.
There is nothing more blessedness than to
feel you everwhere
To remain under your spell of hapliness and blessedness .
To remain in your sweet claps .
Though In this earth field other thoughts are coming and disturbing
But I am trying to remain calm,thinking that these thoughts are also coming from you.
With this thought in mind, when I am merging in your lovely thoughts,they are
fleeing to their nest.
Oh,Supreme sweet master of the world your boundless love
has so beautifully enveloped the whole world.
It is clearly visible how distinctly and dazzlingly you are present in all the objects of the world
Oh,merciful father ,it is only you and you that I am thinking of always.
Oh merciful lord of the
Universe forgive the mankind who have done so much damage to the sacred powers of .
And save the ravaged earth and save us.
Prof.Dr.Maheswar Das@Copyright.
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