One More Time… By Sushant Kumar B.K
from Gulariya,Bardiya, Nepal
In the dark room
Of a farm house.
On ground
Of a garden,
Sometimes at evenings
Sometimes at nights
We delve deep down into
The sweet nectar of love.
Yet, not satisfy
Then we say;
Let’s love again
One more time
For freezing the very moment
We prolong our dating
Caring not about time
Fearing not with our parents
However, the truth is; sooner or later,
We have to go back our respective homes
Yet, in each and every departure
Our eyes stare with each other
And lips amazingly become impatient
Thrilling for one more romantic situation.
In the dark room
Of a farm house.
On ground
Of a garden,
Sometimes at evenings
Sometimes at nights
We delve deep down into
The sweet nectar of love.
Yet, not satisfy
Then we say;
Let’s love again
One more time
For freezing the very moment
We prolong our dating
Caring not about time
Fearing not with our parents
However, the truth is; sooner or later,
We have to go back our respective homes
Yet, in each and every departure
Our eyes stare with each other
And lips amazingly become impatient
Thrilling for one more romantic situation.
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