اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

THANK YOU.. Dasharath Naik

Thanks for your company
You choose me for this long journey
Hand in hand
To walk miles ahead of us
Through woods..
Trials and tribulations..

Will you trust me ?
Believe me
I can be your friend for ever
In your hard times too...
Can bring you the dazzle of stars
The soothingness of the moon
Can bloom flowers of all hues
In our courtyard for you
Can give you the air of a queen
Can make you feel
How much I love you within.

Your Angelic beauty
My inspiration
Your divine soul my oxygen
I can't do without you
Just trust me
Can be your friend philosopher and guide
Till the breathe runs in me
Till the earth spins on its axis
Till the sun shines
Till the birds stop chirping and tweetering.

I don't mind being wounded
In your love
To bleed profusely
I don't mind losing my all
For your sake
You entice me to live
Though I feel dead inside without you.

It may sound childlike
I will die and live for you
Can dance and play with you
Can make you feel so
To make your life swing in full glee.
Your liabilities
Me ready to shoulder
Your wrongs
Me ready to forgive
Love you and your company..
Your friendship I accept
I don't mind your silence
Your friendly hand is enough
I can survive with
Can feel your trust on me within.

Let us be drenched
In the sweet shower of friendship
Let us be true and genuine
In our feelings
I gurantee you
My blood will wipe your blemishes
My tears will purify your stains
I don't mind to suffer and suffer for you
To woo your heart
Can borrow colours from Rainbow!

©® Dasharath Naik

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