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آخر الأخبار

The Eyes Of Heaven.. Lomas Kumar Bhatt


Boom boom burst beat on thrust,
Silence speaks my psalm in trust,
I just lost my sense of essence,
Lustrous clouds cracking in head,
Heaven disappeared hell has no means,
Only the mountain & it's valley shrink,
Now thee spread wide & wide glance,
Whole universe comes in belly's transe,
Only crematory nothing to any chance,
Thrown me to hit hard,
Beyond the whole mass,
Now I'm seeing,
The Mother of God's pranks,
Thee is the Princess,
Crown of God's glance,
Born lot universe & it's being beings,
Yes within thy belly's shrine,
While I'm crying what's my existence,
I'm just nothing,
Only of thy soul's charmes,
Thee just Born the heaven's pristine,
And than curse to hell serpentine,
Thine breast become mountain,
To feed pristine,
Between the breast,
Crying chest's shrine,
Love and pity reside as prime,
Wonderland's wonder charms,
Flourished in directional branch,
Sevan-Sage praying hymns,
All's in Sevan skies,
Snakes now awaking on it's total lance,
Depth in Mother-earth,
All's having havy breath,
Birds on skies going high & high soot,
All's are new nothing for old mass,
Earth now new now skies rejuvenated,
Thy smile changed,
The whole circumference,
Still thee laying in wide infinite whole,
Peack of the mountain,
Become bed of thy eternal charme,
Thee just hold my hand without arms,
I'm just screaming,
With unknown acentric charms,
Now thee inhaling me,
With smiling luring lips,
No one knows,
What's Thee secrets hold!
@Lomas Kumar Bhatt.
All Rights Reserved. 30/8/2021.
Picture courtesy google.

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