اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Biswanath Saha.. Biswanath Saha


You live apart in distance
alone. No,you live in me all the
 hours,days,months and years
I feel. When you only look with
 your eyes bright, you speak
 a word or two. All I see I
hear all you do. You leave with
 the necessaries, the memory
I cherish so fondly of you!

Do all your work as assignments
demand. It’s work that sustains
your growth and development.
Love to work, Oh, Dear!
 Cheer your heart. You live so near,
you live in me. See you in
 my vision, struggle hard to realize
 your ambition, work to fulfill
 your mission, Oh, Dear!

You live in me, you are
 so near. Distance is no bar,but
a necessity to make you a Man.
The centre of excellence is far,
Not you! Live the life where the
Centre nourishes your aim and
mission to make you a Man!
Be a complete human being
in and through love of learning.
Take care of your health and education
You undergo. Prepare to come to serve
 us and all humanity. Distance is
no bar, you live in me, you are
ever near Oh, Dear!

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