اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

The Deviated Stars.. Kalikinkar Rath


Stars from Sky warn the Earth
Each human being a star by birth
The shining stars the youths on yours
Addicted now with drugs the truth.

Time wheel never returns back
Old age problem like immovable rock
Powerful period to light the nation
To utilise time properly without break.

Awareness campaign to arrange there
One by one in disciplined sphere
Out of sight from the gossiping place
Work in time with physical race dear.

Strength of the nation sound physique
Mentally sound to keep equilibrium
Resources to maintain in proper way
First and foremost duty of each young.

Body needs rest at life's sunset
No ball to play no need of bat
Children to follow the responsibility
Deviated youths too able to be great.

Punctuality discipline hard labour too
Call of the nation from disaster's crew
Take such oath to build lovely nation
Millions we all but one Heart in view.

                 ( Copyright )

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