Disability of wrong notion.. Dr Suresh Chandra Sarangi
Where is the action
Rightly renounced
Brings meekness of life.
Where is the words of sward
That brings discrimination
Draws it and slashes
Delusion to pieces
Then arises to take the stand
In the action rightly performed.
Let's disable our minds
From the wrong notion
That meekness is cultivated
Only by spineless people
Who are weak and timid.
Meekness can't be practised
Without great strength
of character and spiritual path
Perfection is the manifestation
in a character of good qualities.
The quality makes perfection
is meekness and wonderful efficacy.
Dr Suresh Chandra Sarangi
Rightly renounced
Brings meekness of life.
Where is the words of sward
That brings discrimination
Draws it and slashes
Delusion to pieces
Then arises to take the stand
In the action rightly performed.
Let's disable our minds
From the wrong notion
That meekness is cultivated
Only by spineless people
Who are weak and timid.
Meekness can't be practised
Without great strength
of character and spiritual path
Perfection is the manifestation
in a character of good qualities.
The quality makes perfection
is meekness and wonderful efficacy.
Dr Suresh Chandra Sarangi
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