اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Good character.. Dr Suresh Chandra Sarangi


How can we care for
Habits and pleasure,
What can we hope from
These good and bad  habits,
If good prevails,
One becomes good.
If mischief or wickedness,
One becomes wicked.
If joyfulness prevails
 one becomes Happy.
The only remedy for bad habits
Is controlled by counter habits.
All the bad habits that have
left their impression
Are to be controlled
By good habits.
Go on doing good
Thinking holy thoughts
That is the only way
To suppress bad impression.
Never call anyone helpless,
He only represents a character
A bundle of habits.
Since character is repeated habits
And repeated habits can
alone change the character.
Dr Suresh Chandra Sarangi

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