اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

I'm still guarding.. Refik Martinović


 Do you remember ... early mine
 you were sad
 like late autumn
 when he sends the birds away
 and when the leaves in rainy tears
 dies on the sidewalks
 with sobs
 sad winds.

 That evening
 we fled into the shadows of the linden trees
 in which silence breathed
 I kissed you for the first time do you remember ...
 a star fell from the sky
 and we were friends of the stars you said ...
 that you don't like
 when they escape from the sky, I was silent ...
 and like a hungry bee
 looking for thirst on your lips
 you trembled like a birch
 and trembled like a frightened deer
 at the sight of a love hunter
    ... we were just friends
 unprepared for unrest
 without courage and pain
 my early ...

 I'm still guarding
 wild chestnuts
 of your eyes
 And mowed years
 the first bundles of kisses
 and birds
 which opened the mornings
 and summer breezes
 who untangled your hair
 and memories
 on a shooting star
 which left us
 with quenched longings.

 after many years
 with a pearl in her hair
 we want another world
 the one we didn’t have
 at the time of flowering
 without sins
 with a handful of remorse
 ... I'll call you again
 to come to the waterfalls of sleeping waits
 who break rocks
 in my poems.

 Do you know...
 to sneak in sometimes
 in the shadows of the moon
 and I listen
 summer choir of crickets
 who sing for us
 on the banks of that same river
 and be memories of belated love
 my early ...


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