اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Real Besuty.. Prof.Dr.Maheswar Das



Real Beauty

You are beautiful.
You are adorned wlth a   ethereal beauty which  soothes the heart.
You have an angelic face.
But your real beauty is, your  kindness.
You are so kind to the people all around you.
Your real beauty is, you are beautiful at
You are thinking for the whole  mankind.
Your real beauty is,  your love for the whole mankind.
Your heart is always bleeding for the world peace and harmony.
You  are aspiring  and working ceselessly for  world peace.
You are as soft as  a mother for  all the physically challenged
peole and people in  miseries.  
Your  love for them  is boundless.
You  are an amazing person
I love you from the deepest core of my heart.

 Prof.Dr.Maheswar Das@Copyright

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