اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

The Ruins Of Time… Dr. Zainul Husain


The wall of my life
Has repeatedly borne
The deadly blows of
Tyrannous time.

The plaster of pleasure
Is totally destroyed
By the horrific hammer
Of doleful deception.

Several hands came
With promises to strengthen
And paint the monotonous wall
With bright colours of heaven.

The wall gave those pretenders
The roof of care ,the floor of protection
An innocent heart overflowing with love
And a kind shelter with a warm reception.

It made those imposters lie
On the flowry bed of love
They spent their time, they used wall's prime
And left it for good to the ruins of time.

Those ungrateful steps
Will never return I trust
The wounds they made
are quite visible
In the fatal cracks of my heart.

©Dr. Zainul Husain

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