اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

How do I love thee ?.. Prof.Dr.Maheswar Das



How do I Iove thee ?

How do  I love thee ?,
Oh, sublime master of the world.
You  are present everywhere in all the atoms of the beings.
In all the atoms lies your radiance..
I adore thee and love thee in  the fullness of my heart mind and soul.
A deep silent love,subtle and sublime  comes from my heart to thee in an ardent aspiration beyond measures.
In my muse and meditation ,smiles and tears,sufferings and pleasure, I remember thee always and love thee  with  total surrender of my being.
I love thee and see thee everywhere and in everything.
I love thee in every  breath of my being.
A surge of love is coming out  from deep  core  of my heart  and spreading out to the stars and planets.      
My love is for  the air ,water, to the whole of Nature,
To the mankind, animal and plant kingdom
To all your wonderful creation.
I prostrate before thee  Oh, merciful lord
in a  fathmless  love and gratitude.
My love for  thee will  continue  in this life
and after life and remain unfaded for ever.

Prof.Dr.Maheswar  Das@Copyright.

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