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آخر الأخبار

Walking through the forest deep.. Prof.Dr.Maheswar Das


Walking through the
Forest deep.

As I walked through the forest deep,
Peopled with tall trees ,waterfall and dale..
A strange  experience gathered in me.
Seeing me ,other animals big and small fleeing away with birds fluttering to the forest deeps.
There was a complete stillness all around.
It was a world in itself
With animals,plants insects and birds living together;in perfect coexistence.
I could not find any enimity among them.
As l advanced further.  a crooning   waterfall of uncommon beauty came to my sight  like a thin  beautiful  lady  moving through the stony and rocky bed dancing and jumping in the woods .
In the core of the dence deep  forest, I  was amazed to see the dence greenery all around .
It stilled  my mind  and heart with rapture and a mesmerizing spell  which I had never experienced  before.

Where  no sunrays touch the ground .
So cool and so silence prevails there in the woodland  beauty.
As,I trampled  through the deep forest  a  whispering  murmur was coming from the dry leaves.
As  I  marched
forward, l  was  diverted to a huge rhythmic sound in that wood land.  
As I drew near I was enchanted by chorous  of innumerable small birds whom I do not know.
I saw innumerable tiny   birds  were charping sitting over a number of big trees .
The wood land was resounded  by their chorous.
l was spellbound by their songs  .  
I.  was delighted   by the experience  and I felt
it is all God's creation.
On my way back, l expressed my deep gratitude to God that he has created such a  beautiful paradise of woodland beauty.

 Prof.Dr.Maheswar Das@Coppyright.

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