اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

YOU ARE AN ANGEL (to my older sister Jadzia).. Joanna Svensson

You are an angel
My dearest sister
May God bless you
For what you do
May he lead you
Down roads of safety
Far from troubles
Far from plague

May your guardian
Angels lead you
When for our mother
You daily strive
Full of mercy
Quite unselfish
A Samaritan
You are to her

Our dearest mother
Who have lived through
Almost ninety
Years of spring
Ninety summers
Ninety autumns
Ninety winters
Some yet to come

She has become
A child once more
Quite unable
To many things
In need of help
From Oh, so many
In need of care
From all of us

Me, I live
So far away
Far away
From town of birth
Even further
Away from all of you
Now that borders
Have been closed

Yes, I fear
This virus plague
That spreads around
More and more
Just at distance
On the phone
Yours or mothers
Voice I hear

May God protect you
My dearest sister
You have a heart
Of purest gold
I can see
Your great white wings
And your gloria
Makes them shine

I pray to God
That he will send you
Many bravest
Angels forth
And that he
Will change the tired ones
For your protection
Shall be the best

I pray to God
My dearest sister
For you and all
In our family
Because I want
You to know
My dearest sister
 I love you so

I pray to God
My dearest sister
For each one
In our world
That we'll survive
As human beings
Somewhat wiser
Than before

On my knees
I pray to God
That we will learn
Something new
If even painful - still important
Just how vulnerable we all are!

Svenstorp - Sweden 12/4/20

©® Joanna Svensson
© Private picture Joanna Svensson

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