اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Don't dive into my sea.. marijanajtheferpopov

Don't ride my waves

Don't open my oyster

Don't blow into my sails

Against the wind

I'm a favourite of the wind

I'm a pearl of the oyster

Lead of the waves

The sea delta into which they plunge

Don't turn off the lights on my lighthouse

Do not be identified as passengers on my Titanic

Don't decipher my sailing charts

Don't follow my compasses

My compasses are on the sensors of my passion

The maps are tricky, they lead right to the ridges

My Titanic has surviving-lovers

The lighthouse lights up with my eyes

Don't go deep

Don't look superficially

Don't talk meaningfully

Don’t end maliciously

My depth is to drown

Superficiality is a my mask

My truth can be denied as fictitious

My malice does not exist

So you recognize yourself

I'm going to turn off lighthouses tonight

And ride on the waves

Foam like foam

Is carried by the Titanic

My sea flows into the delta of the soul

Wide and deep


No compass

No sails

Thanks to the wind

Thanks for the tickets

Thanks to my sensors

For the truth.


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