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Iron In The Fire.. Marivic Nemi

I have runaway being a poet.,
But me and pen perform like a duet ,,

When I am drained don't wanna force perfect rhyme.,
I dare to stop,  nor I miss those metaphors like the sounds of chime.,

For no reason why! maybe I was a believer.,
Perhaps I just got therapy and reliever  ,

I hate the road of plasticity.,
It's near the distance of stupidity.,

I hate the direction of disgrace.,
When respect and reputation can be embrace.

I hate the plights of boisterous.,
Where  serenity can be seen like wondrous.

I hate anxiety that landing to someone head.,
Just wanna rectify those trouble , where hunger mind can feed . ,

I hate the observation of my eyes.,
Where all I can see are full of lies.,

I hate walking into another soul without spark.
As I know even my own shadow will leave me in the dark.,

For all failure , supersede the common saying non other than to "give up".
I were imbibing those trials and error
that "effort never dies" and pick me up.

Eventhough tomorrow is not promise.,
There's more iron in the fire that can revise.

©Marivic Nemi

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