اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

My Body Is My True Life Partner.. Dusmanta Choudhury


I love you very much
More than anything and anybody
On this earth as my dear
So I am always at your clutch

I love you very much
You are my true life partner
We are together from birth to death
So I am always at your clutch

I love you very much
If you don't respond me
I have no friends no enemies with me
So I am always at your clutch

I love you very much
As you are my abode
My heavenly abode on the earth
So I am always at your clutch

I love you very much
If you are healthy and fit
I care none to compete
So I am always at your clutch

I love you very much
As you are my joy and pleasure
You are with me in my joy & sorrow
So I am always at your clutch

I love you very much
As you are my real address
On this earth to be known
So I am always at your clutch

I love you very much
What I am now, is only for you
My knowledge and wisdom is yours
So I am always at your clutch

I love you very much
As you are my assets & liability
You are my earthly responsibility
So I am always at your clutch

I love you very much
As no one else can share you
You are only mine, I am only yours
So I am always at your clutch

I love you very much
The more I look after you
The more you look after me
So I am always at your clutch

I love you very much
Everyone and everything comes and goes
But you are always with me
So I am always at your clutch

I love you very much
If you are with me, I can get God
Friends, relatives, wealth & abode
So I am always at your clutch

I love you very much
With you, I can achieve everything
Where I put my hand to bring
So I am always at your clutch

I love you very much
If you are sound in health
I get a sound mind and heart
So I am always at your clutch

I love you very much
Departing from you, is my death
And you are my dear, my body
So I am always at your clutch.

Copyright @Dusmanta Choudhury

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