اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

An odyssey.. Refik Martinovic


 I closed my eyes
 to be
 baby bud
 who ran
 amusement parks
 with a white lollipop
 behind her clouds
 in a colorful world
 in which the outings are
 and sunsets
 were the only signposts
 swelling of life
 the others
 in foggy images
 an inexperienced artist.

 One day
 just like in a fairy tale
 I grew into a flower
 intoxicating odor
 like those
 from the gardens of Shiraz
 with sweetness
 of its nectars
 and I wanted to live
 in the world of knights
 which are easy to accept
 offered duels
 defending the male part
 sacrificing his death
 for one night of love
 without fear

 the turmoil of existence
 I prayed to heaven
 to put me down
 under clouds and birds
 to walk
 unfinished roads
 with obstacles
 leading nowhere
 as Homer’s adventurer
 which for days
 and years
 sails the blue silences
 who speak
 only with the sky
 with the cries of seagulls
 and song
 a blind poet
 and with melancholy tones of lyre
 and a magical mermaid dance
 they lull my ideals to sleep
 and mark traces
 for some return.

 Maybe it's my way
 worldly minds
 and theirs
 metaphysical conspiracies
 which without emotion
 and crazy metals
 they build their worlds
 with a man
 which falls freely
 and he wanted to
 to reach the Sun.
 Moon and stars
 and mark the end
 which I walked
 along the edges of the rainbow
 as a fictional man
 in a fictional world
 because others are
 behind a fig leaf.


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