God's Grace.. Dr.Maheswar Das
God's Grace
For any difficulties and danger on the way of, earthly journey, there is nothing to fear, nothing to grieve.
For, the supreme master of the world is
everywhere present with his grace.
Whatever we see here on this earthly field and
beyond is his mercy.
The gentle breeze, crooning waterfalls,
cuckoo's spring time
the murmuring bees
zillion stars and planets In the sky all are his grace.
The roaring sea,
the winter dew drops
the meditative snow clad
mountains all are his grace in the world.
The gracious God has given everything, a
life, a bodily embodiment to see and enjoy.
He prevades over everything of the world .
Whatever is happening here is his mercy.
The grace of the God
is helping us to survive and it will save us.
The divine grace will never fail us.
In our success and faliures,the divine will never leave us
The divine grace
can give us love, happinesss. knowledge, bliss and beatitude.
We bow before thee in
gratitide beyond measure and invoke his love,grace, bliss and beatutide.
Copyright Dr.Maheswar Das
God's Grace
For any difficulties and danger on the way of, earthly journey, there is nothing to fear, nothing to grieve.
For, the supreme master of the world is
everywhere present with his grace.
Whatever we see here on this earthly field and
beyond is his mercy.
The gentle breeze, crooning waterfalls,
cuckoo's spring time
the murmuring bees
zillion stars and planets In the sky all are his grace.
The roaring sea,
the winter dew drops
the meditative snow clad
mountains all are his grace in the world.
The gracious God has given everything, a
life, a bodily embodiment to see and enjoy.
He prevades over everything of the world .
Whatever is happening here is his mercy.
The grace of the God
is helping us to survive and it will save us.
The divine grace will never fail us.
In our success and faliures,the divine will never leave us
The divine grace
can give us love, happinesss. knowledge, bliss and beatitude.
We bow before thee in
gratitide beyond measure and invoke his love,grace, bliss and beatutide.
Copyright Dr.Maheswar Das
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