July 11 marks the 26th anniversary.. Amb. Vildana Stanišić
July 11 marks the 26th anniversary of the genocide committed by Serb soldiers in Srebrenica. On that occasion, 8372 Muslims were killed, among whom were a large number of children, the elderly and women.
Every July 11, when this sad anniversary is celebrated, a collective funeral is held for the found victims. However, a large number of the bodies of the victims have not yet been found and are still being searched for.
In memory of this terrible crime committed against innocent Muslim people in the Srebrenica enclave, I wrote the song "Mother's Tear" which was musically arranged and recorded by the band Selma & Selma from Luxembourg. For the previous two years, I promoted my CD with the song "Mother's Tear", and donated all proceeds from the sale to Srebrenica mothers who lost their children in genocide. Through the "Silver Thread" project, I presented the life of Muslims in Srebrenica and their coexistence with citizens across my country. To the Serbs in that small town in eastern Bosnia, through a beautiful written word and an appropriate cultural and documentary program with my guests from Srebrenica, I conveyed the message of peace and the message that Srebrenica will never happen again to anyone. I continue to work hard with my team to promote peace. there is no alternative, and at the same time I am fighting against all forms of violence, especially against women and children, all my work is humanitarian, working voluntarily and with heart, because Srebrenica deserves it.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Every July 11, when this sad anniversary is celebrated, a collective funeral is held for the found victims. However, a large number of the bodies of the victims have not yet been found and are still being searched for.
In memory of this terrible crime committed against innocent Muslim people in the Srebrenica enclave, I wrote the song "Mother's Tear" which was musically arranged and recorded by the band Selma & Selma from Luxembourg. For the previous two years, I promoted my CD with the song "Mother's Tear", and donated all proceeds from the sale to Srebrenica mothers who lost their children in genocide. Through the "Silver Thread" project, I presented the life of Muslims in Srebrenica and their coexistence with citizens across my country. To the Serbs in that small town in eastern Bosnia, through a beautiful written word and an appropriate cultural and documentary program with my guests from Srebrenica, I conveyed the message of peace and the message that Srebrenica will never happen again to anyone. I continue to work hard with my team to promote peace. there is no alternative, and at the same time I am fighting against all forms of violence, especially against women and children, all my work is humanitarian, working voluntarily and with heart, because Srebrenica deserves it.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
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