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Meet In Her Eyes .. Dusmanta Choudhury


Oh sweetest words,spell her eyes
Harken I, where her sweet love lies
Night is cool,shaded by her dream
The blisses of her dream,so esteem

Where the faded moon,droping tear
With a perfume light,so much pure
The words that win,fall from her lips
What perfume,what moon,so blips

Perhaps a goddess,in palpable form
Lives she on earth, far eternal norm
All that's best in her words of jokes
Meet in her eyes as flowery brooks

How pure & how noble, is her heart
Too much innocent, in heavenly art
Plays she games, laden with love
Speak her eyes, lips fail far above

Into her dream,as rose, that melts
What a miracle,lies on golden pelts
Here is fair and there is much care
For she is adorned with divine lore

Copyright @Dusmanta Choudhury

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