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Once I Met Her Soul .. Dusmanta Choudhury


I met her soul, adorned in an atoll
With all precognition,somuch subtle
Neither in the water nor in the air
But on the glorious earth to ensnare

Speaks a language, quite unheard
Perhaps spoken in heavenly abode
Emits a bright light, like the nimbus
No earthly born has with her nexus

Walks in heavenly zephyr in the sky
Where all life's turquoise ever do lie
Known no succumb ,if time alters
She is a woman who knows no falters

All that is best in her words & action
So sweet, so loving,nothing to moan
Like the falling of autumn dewdrops
What sweet words, she ever swaps

So softly,so dearly lightens her smile
As on her lips, sweetness is worthwhile
Stored in her heart,her affection's flow
Like a flowery brook in a desert overflow

Copyright @Dusmanta Choudhury

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