اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

She Rows A Boat .. Dusmanta Choudhury


She rows a boat, like a cloud
Of the high sky as a blue river
Fearless to storm,as enshroud
In her hand,found a golden ore
Rowing through a heavy storm
Senses she , earth & sky chasm

Sailing to heaven,a journey of soul
An overloaded boat,being agonized
To define an undefined human role
How joy,how sorrow is harmonized
Why is the death & why is the birth
How beauteous her mind, on earth

One light is more & one light is less
In deep depth of her heart,she prays
In between she plays role nameless
Gropes she her soul, where it lies
Hanky-panky is absent,in her action
All that is mundane,in her not born

Wind-swept is tree,zonked is root
How servives nest, for life's bird
No air can hear,she didn't impute
What man,what brute,is not inferred
Why sails her boat,with aims few
For ever will she row, with no adieu

Copyright @Dusmanta Choudhury

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