اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

A New Dawn.. Prof.Dr.Maheswar Das


DT.22.08 .2021

A New Dawn

A new dawn was about to be dawned.
The eastern sky was tinged with the aurate hues.
A  grandure of stillness and serenity was pervading over the whole atmosphere..
The lusture and splendour of the golden sun is yet to emerge.

Innumerable tall palm trees in the meadows were looking calm and meditative.
There was ineffable hush all around the hills, meadows and palm trees.
The whole ambience was like elysian  delight and  happiness.
Breaking the silence of felicity, a herd of birds flew in the sky

In this divine moment, sun appeared in the sky with millions of smiles of eternity.
A  surge of happiness and laughter moved throughout the meadows.
The hills,meadows and tall palm trees were drenched in golden hues.
The autumnal dew drops glimmered and looked like pearls of delight.
 A sweet murmur leaped over the leaves of palm trees.

It was like song of  gandharbs of the paradise.
Marvel and wonder danced in that fairy land of beauty.

 Prof.Dr.Maheswar Das@Copyright.

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