An Unforgettable Day .. Dr.Okram Shakuntala
I remember now
The day when I met you
When I requested you
When I offered you
When I suggested you
And I had got your words
And I had got your voice
And I had got your promise
And I had got your message
The day brought life
The day brought soul
The day brought light
The day brought hope
The day brought sky
The day brought the earth
The day brought my love
The day remains pious
The day remains auspicious
The day remains pure
The day remains divine
When I got your hand
When I got your heart
When I got your mind
When I got your soul
And I promised
To be with you for ever
To be with you for ever
Copyright @Dr.Okram Shakuntala
The day when I met you
When I requested you
When I offered you
When I suggested you
And I had got your words
And I had got your voice
And I had got your promise
And I had got your message
The day brought life
The day brought soul
The day brought light
The day brought hope
The day brought sky
The day brought the earth
The day brought my love
The day remains pious
The day remains auspicious
The day remains pure
The day remains divine
When I got your hand
When I got your heart
When I got your mind
When I got your soul
And I promised
To be with you for ever
To be with you for ever
Copyright @Dr.Okram Shakuntala
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