اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

A Prayer of Winter night... Prof.Dr.Maheswar Das



A  Prayer of Winter night

I do not know how much love have  you given to  
the millions of stars and planets in the sky to hang like starry lamps and give pleasure to the mankind.
I do not know how much love have you given to the birds for singing so mirthfully.
I do  not know how  the roaring sea is getting  so much energy with the  ,waves dancing.  and jumping all the time.
It  is also not known how a  small ant gets so much energy to move on.
From the smallest birds to the highest hills  all  are full of praise for  you and singing your  glory
What love have you given to them

It is not known how the smallest humming  birds   make so much sweet chirpings
I do not know how the birds fly thousands
of miles covering seas and hills from siberia to India
Where they get so much energy to fly.
Also, who has painted the eastern sky with so much glammer and hues
How  is  it that, with crores  of people in earth, no two persons are alike in all respect
Similarly ,all leaves of        the same tree never resembles perfectly..
The sun rises and sets
everyday without any rest and breakage.
Who has given so much energy,strength and pleasure to work so sincerely

Everything is mysterious and wonderful here from grass to the hills.
Who has done so much wonder and
Only one answer to these questions exist.
It is you who have created everything seen and unseen and fill all of them with so much love,wonder, magnificence for pleasure of man.
So much love is your's
for man, your  best creation.

Prof.Dr.Maheswar Das @Copyright.

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