Dream Seeker.. Dr.Maheswar Das
I am a dream seeker,a dream merchant.
On a spring morning ,I started sailing in a
boat to a distannt land to collect dreams,sell dreams and distribute dreams of life.
I am a dream merchant ,a dream master dreaming through night and day, sun and rain, through pleasure and pain.
I row in a boat in a river downward to unknown land,unknown regions which I have never trod.
Beneath the sky of golden hues
tinged with golden sun ray, I rowed .
Fairyland of beauty came to my sight.
As spring it was, the fragrance of beautiful flowers rent the air.
I rowed through the land peopled with
hills on both
sides and meadows
filled with palm gardens.
As I rowed, the clouds in the sky with different shapes
passed and I heard whisper of trees.
My mission of rowing in the boat was to distribute love and dreams to the people free of cost.
The people are so wretched, they need love and dream.
My dream is for
the broken wings
for the helpless,
For the unhappy people
for they need life ,they need love,they need dreams .
Copyright @Dr.Maheswar Das
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