اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

It is love… Dr.Okram Shakuntala


Love is not a child's game
That all can play
It is the most complicated game
That only the wise can play
Here is also a win
Here is also a defeat
All on the earth are trifle
All are like dust
But it is love
Which is divine and noble
And lasts long
Beyond the ages and
Beyond the universe

Only the glorious hearts
Understand the joy of love
Understand the glory of love
Understand the sacredness of love
Understand the purity of love
Understand the sacrifice of love
And get the heavenly joys on earth

In true love
There is honesty in thought
There is pious understand
There is truthfulness
There is truth in mind
But to think
To get the chance
Of other's simplicity
In love is not heard
Is not practised
Is not seen
Is not spoken
Is not found

Copyright @Dr.Okram Shakuntala

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