اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Lagoon.. Refik Martinović


 I loved...
 which screamed within us
 and longing
 which were chasing
 wet fingers
 and summer
 which swayed
 in our arms
 while it is a full moon
 he peered shyly
 our white ways
 in a hidden lagoon.

 I loved...
 to watch you
 in the early mornings
 when the day dawns
 and you are awake
 you collect the last kisses
 scattered under the bush
 near the old well
 where the fairies capture the water
 while the stars wander
 chaste sources of passion
 which we are on the exhale of night
 put out the fire
 which were burning
 on our lips.

 I didn't like ...
 when you disappeared like hay
 and left
 runaway tracks
 and left me
 to drown
 at the bottom of the blue cups
 on a sinking ship
 in faint memories.
 ... where your scent is gone
    I do not recognize
    not your character
    neither walk nor smile
    or maybe
    it's not me
    these are dreams
    and when they die
    neither will we.


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