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آخر الأخبار

Man--a cosmic.. Dr.Maheswar Das

  Man -- A  Cosmic Creation

Man,  a  divine Creation
Born of cosmic happiness.
All through his existence here
He is to devour bliss and happiness like an innocent child and live in ecstasy.
For he is divine in origin.

After his descend to this earthly plane,
He always searches for bliss and happiness.
For, no one wants miseries and sufferings.
Heavenly bliss is his inherent quality.

But infact ,he suffers  and suffers
He groans  in pain.
Like a caged bird.
It is the results of his past deeds,of passed life.
What he does ?.
He desperately searches for pleasure in objects that has no power.
He searches bliss in sense objects  and matter that has no power to give cosmic happiness.

His  true  nature  is  Ananda.
To come out from the net of
pain and sufferings,
he is to connect himself in a subtle golden bridge  with the supreme consciousness,
the permanent source of

Copy right@Dr.Maheswar Das

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