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Monsoon Farming… Dr.Maheswar Das



Monsoon Farming

The monsoon rain brings cheers and happiness to the farmers
It is a time of joy and jubilition to create new  corns for the society.
Throughout the whole day, he toils with all his sweats and blood.
He tills the  wet land,levels the mud,sizes the field to plant the paddy siblings.
He gives his  sweat and blood to create the golden corn

The sky is adorned with dense dark clouds in monsoon.
With  sweet   blessed rain drops  it becomes a wonderful time for the the farmer.
The raindrops seems to him like dazlling pearls of corn falling down from the sky.
The monsoon rain brings so much  sweetness to the earth
The growing cornfield adorned  with green leaves create ripples of joy and laughter.
The farmer feels ecstatic to see the growing corn and dreams of golden corn.
We adore the  farmer from the core of our heart who feeds the miiion by his sweat and blood.
Oh,farmer,you are really  the angel of the earth  who feeds the millions.
The  whole mankind exists for the farmers .
They  laugh.  stand ,talk ,play and sings songs  for farmers only.

Prof.Dr.Maheswar Das@Copyright

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