اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Monsoon Plantation Chimes in Pastoral Rhym… Kr. Chamling


The precipitating, fleecing cumulonimbus rattling in the wet sky
Rumbled roaring thunders, thunderbolts with piercing
Lighting joined to the hot, humid, and horny monsoon spluttering
Of torrent got the hot tin roof earth mudluscious marmalade of
Fertile terraces and flatlands for farming for the new plantations
In rural hilly areas; the shepherds and farmers hooey and ho in
Their farm fields like a bride decorated, smeared with Brown-gray
As the wooden harrows plowed and driven the muddy earth
Turned as porridge with push and pull of driving of yoked oxen
From one to the other corners of the narrow fields with the gees in

The murmuring showers and blustering winds, and some hired hands
Of beautiful belles, youths sing duets of plantation-song, as monsoon
For them, goddess’s grace; plantation, karma; the field, mother; plants,
Sons and daughters are enlivened and grown along with the flying
Termites’ flutters, green-wing doves’ sopranos, crickets’ creaking
And Cockchafers’ reverberating, falsettos after sunset, soft and loud
Chimes of rhythmic bucolic beauties by the hills, mounds, and foothills
Dressing in bushes, woods rustling, rattling with dripping waters and
Droning flows of locally sprung gorges, brooks, and streaming flash
Floods chime of rhyme the narrative rouge of pastoral rhyme.
Copyright Reserved @ Kr. Chamling
From: The land of Gautama Buddha & Mt. Everest, the
Republic of Nepal
19 July 2021

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