I Found Her.. Dusmanta Choudhury
I found her in a flowery garden
Of her actions, blooming hidden
Fluttering & dancing in her wind
Refining her mind as is destined
So dazed she is, that she loses
Born in mind,words go cruises
Lost she is,in their sprightly dance
Recalls not for what she comes
She does lose or win the battle
Why feels she,them as her chattel
Stands she as an eager-eyed angel
To pluck, she thinks,might be cruel
Plans she to ask, gathers no tone
As a muffled mouth,trembles none
Either to retire or sit there for ever
What a belongingness,so chains her
Grey looks her action, left so back
Finds she none from memory rack
Trimble her lips to utter a word
But she steps back,to see a bud
Leaves she them for another a day
Will she find where her emotions lay
She will pluck and make a garland
Carry with her at the end of errand
Copyright @Dusmanta Choudhury
Of her actions, blooming hidden
Fluttering & dancing in her wind
Refining her mind as is destined
So dazed she is, that she loses
Born in mind,words go cruises
Lost she is,in their sprightly dance
Recalls not for what she comes
She does lose or win the battle
Why feels she,them as her chattel
Stands she as an eager-eyed angel
To pluck, she thinks,might be cruel
Plans she to ask, gathers no tone
As a muffled mouth,trembles none
Either to retire or sit there for ever
What a belongingness,so chains her
Grey looks her action, left so back
Finds she none from memory rack
Trimble her lips to utter a word
But she steps back,to see a bud
Leaves she them for another a day
Will she find where her emotions lay
She will pluck and make a garland
Carry with her at the end of errand
Copyright @Dusmanta Choudhury
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