اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

"Satan"… Chandan-Bhattacharya

 A liberal saint had a few cats
 White-black-gray - yellowish
 And some other different colours
The devotee looked at everyone with equal eyes
 The devotee loved everyone equally
 The devotee gave equal freedom to all.
 Blinded by love, the devotee just saw their beauty ...
 The cats used to tickle the body of the Devotee with their soft paws
 The devotee would have been happy to see it.
 But the devotee never thinks that the cat's Sharp claws are hidden behind that soft paws......
 And with that sharp claws they can cut the Body of the devotee in two.
 He doesn't think they have peace even in two pieces
 Want more --- they want more
 There is a lot of hunger hidden in their stomachs...
 They go crazy over food and eat flesh and drink blood.
 Their greed for women's soft fleshy flesh increased.
 Eventually, while eating, they started eating crow's meat just like crows....
 Keep eating...
 Day and night...
 Teeth begin to identify their character by pulling out nails
 The whole world wants to hide its face in shame
And humiliation after getting that identity.
 Mothers are forced to give their children into the hands of others
 And women tend to remember
 They are nothing more than sex slaves.

 © Chandan-Bhattacharya ... 25.08.2021

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