اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Shamsia Hassani.. Ana María Manuel Rosa

(Dedicated to the Afghan artist)

Dra. Ana María Manuel Rosa
All copyright reserved

Shamsia Hassani… mastery of the brush, colors and
Fine, precise and undeniably beautiful lines.
Shamsia, female artist who dresses the role of magic
And life of an unreal reality that punishes Afghan woman
In the essence of her attacking the essence of being free.

Shamsia… creative woman who draws and dresses
The reality of hell Afghans women live.
Creativity in every line on real postcards sometimes
Heartbreaking where words are not necessary
Because they already speak without words in silence.

Her eyes and her mind capture the pain, the destruction,
The war and the lack of rights so subtly and
With great imagination in paintings where freedom,
Peace, love and humanity are absent.
The world seems to be ignore of what is happening there.

Destruction of dreams and lack of visibility
Of the Afghan woman by the Taliban captured.
The artist of lush intelligence and creativity
Dominate in the strokes of her telling stories showing
The harshness of the sad life of woman in context.

The colors transmit facts in real time and live.
The message of each drawing imprints the conscience
That; this is not a story… it is already happening.
Shamsia captures as if it were a movie...
Shamsia Hassani is a fearless Afghan woman in action!

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