اخر الاخبار

" The Tragedy Of Father".. Chandan Bhattacharya


O youth...
You have passed through childhood
 And adolescence with the help of your Father and mother's affection.  
Now maybe your position
Is in the middle of youth.  
No doubt you will want to start
A new life at this age.
 Maybe you will marry a young woman Of your choice or your family
And bring her home.
  Both of them want to build a happy family.
 You will also be the father of children According  to the rules of tomorrow.
  By then...
the bride will also be a housewife.
 Your pressure will increase little by little.
  You need to meet the needs of the Child
In a balanced diet, their clothing
 Their education and housewife's needs.  And this demand will continue to grow. Now let me ask you a question.
  Have you become self-reliant
 Or self-sufficient?  
Are you qualified to meet everyone's needs?  
Remember that the demand of the world
 Is increasing.
  It continues to grow
At a compounding rate.
  In childhood and adolescence
You were in the shadow of your father.  Now you are someone's father Someone's husband.
 Remember that if you do not have
 A strong economic foundation
 In front of you
 You can be despised in the world
 At any moment.
 When you were in your father's shadow, You were like a queen bee.  
Dad was in the role of a worker bee.
  You never had to think about
 How your father has contributed you
 By working hard day and night.
 Now you have become a father yourself!  
You have become someone's husband.  Standing at such a juncture
Your parents should never have to see That you fall into the dustbin
Of the world with a broken heart
And call the inferior animal like a goat, 'Bye bye'
Or shout 'Father'
And  beg 'Leave mother crying and live.'  Again, at that moment
 If your beloved darling puts you
In the dock instead of the husband
Then there is no point.
 You also need to remember that
 At that moment there will be no one
To feel the pain of your heart.  
You won't even find anyone in the world To share your pain.
 In such a situation either you will go astray
 Or it is unlikely that you will pass awy
 .  Therefore my beloved youth
 It's time to be careful.

 © Chandan-Bhattacharya ... 31.08.2021


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