Winner in War.. Paula Shene
Where stand, the captors
In the pages of history chapters
Neither many Nor few, quick or dead
Noble or peasant knowing would spread
Entering conflict, as it is a killing cancer
Reposing in the grave or maimed a dire answer
Imploring their children to strike a different stance
Not struggle, pain, loss, only a pain that cannot be lanced
Wailing and Sorrow, no peace in the soul, just withering strife
Arms making one limbless, fighting others for the leader’s luxury life
Raising a standard that is ripped and flawed with no reason but for wants is clawed
~PLS/PCS~5/20/2021, posted 8/2/2021
In the pages of history chapters
Neither many Nor few, quick or dead
Noble or peasant knowing would spread
Entering conflict, as it is a killing cancer
Reposing in the grave or maimed a dire answer
Imploring their children to strike a different stance
Not struggle, pain, loss, only a pain that cannot be lanced
Wailing and Sorrow, no peace in the soul, just withering strife
Arms making one limbless, fighting others for the leader’s luxury life
Raising a standard that is ripped and flawed with no reason but for wants is clawed
~PLS/PCS~5/20/2021, posted 8/2/2021
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