اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

A true love of the lotus.. Dr Suresh Chandra Sarangi


I know you are far away
I am in the earth and
You are in the atmosphere,
But distant don't stop
feeling of your presence,
Your warmth and affection.
You are my soul mate.
It's everything I dreamt of
Destiny has brought you.
We will always be together
United by the heart and soul
When you set I feel unhappy
When you raise I feel extremely joy.
I bloom looking at your smiling face.
I get immense pleasure in the day
For when I am sad,
Just thinking about you
My heart calms down.
Even though I am far away
I want to message you that
You are my soul,you are my heart
You are my beloved atmospheric sun.

Dr Suresh Chandra Sarangi

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