اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Call Of The Humanity.. Arka T Chakrvarty

The valley was green
The meadows bright
Serene and unclouded.
Life was swinging and giggling.

Just beneath the shady trees
Where cuckoos rest in their hidden nests
Life snuggled cosily to love that was glowing.

Far beyond the night-sky
Demons conspired to kill peace .
Snakes spewed venom,
And the sky showered fire.
Hooded faces walked on the streets
Murdering love and harmony.

Stifled voices, teary eyes
Life mourns and laments.
The chorus of the cries grew--high on high.

Bullets and grenades
Guns and missiles
Violence  has no peaceful overtones.
Corpses lie in the tomb of songs.

Justice, peace, liberty,
Lord of  mercy !
Voices sang, masses renewed--
No, violence is not our due !
Rejuvenate peace !
Resurrect love !
The ember is still glowing.
It's a call of the humanity.

Copyright@Arka T Chakrvarty, 7.9.21©®

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