Damascus.. Prasanna Bhatta
D.. Decorated with beautiful
scenery that beautifies the
beauty of Damascus
A.. Adored by science, arts and
literature, shows its culture,
civilization ,honesty and peace
M.. Mind blowing and mind
thrilling mount Qasion
beckons everybody to enjoy
the beautiful country
A.. Attracts the attention of
pedestrians go near by
S... Stunned and startled seeing
the natural beauty which
glorifies the glory of country
and people
C.. Can't help enjoying the beauty
of beautiful sea shore and
behavior of all
U.. Unveiled beauty she's its glory
and purification
S.. Salute Damascus for
your host and be super
country in Arab.
@Prasanna Bhatta India
scenery that beautifies the
beauty of Damascus
A.. Adored by science, arts and
literature, shows its culture,
civilization ,honesty and peace
M.. Mind blowing and mind
thrilling mount Qasion
beckons everybody to enjoy
the beautiful country
A.. Attracts the attention of
pedestrians go near by
S... Stunned and startled seeing
the natural beauty which
glorifies the glory of country
and people
C.. Can't help enjoying the beauty
of beautiful sea shore and
behavior of all
U.. Unveiled beauty she's its glory
and purification
S.. Salute Damascus for
your host and be super
country in Arab.
@Prasanna Bhatta India
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