اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

My only love.. Selma Kopic


My only love,
I know we can't be together,
but I can't come to terms with the fact
that our parting is forever.
I don't expect much,
just to call sometimes,
to hear your voice.
Since you don't call for so long,
I wonder where I went wrong.
That question bothers me the most.
If I knew the answer,  
I would bear the loss much easier.
I would like to move on,
but I can't since you've been gone.
You know that no one has
ever loved you so much
and that is why I deserve to know.
Uncertainty hurts, you know best how.
I wish you all the happiness of this world.
Send mi the sign, one little word.
I'll live as before you, just like you said,
but call sometimes in some secret way.
I want to know if you're okay.
I love your hardworking hands
and warm shoulder
and I love you more and more
as I get older.
Memory my painful, and beautiful,
when I think of you my heart is full.

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