اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

Power of Inspiration.. Prof.Dr.Maheswar Das



Power of Inspiration
Power of inspiration is enormous and infinite
With its fiery feet,it can carry you from earth to heaven.
Nothing is  impossible in earth  with the power of inspiration.
Inspiration has flying wings which will carry you to your dream land of beauty and wonder.
Inspiration can   transform a dreadest hell to a divine place of  beauty and wonder
Inspiration has enough power to fulfill your dream.
It has power to awake  sleeping consciousness.
it helps  a person in ascending from zero to hero .

Inspiration has force of truth.
Inspiration is like a luminous dazzling light in the deep  darkness.
It is just like limpid  sun beam of the
It's mesmerizing spell can  change the whole worid.
Wonderful achievements are wrought by inspiration.
Inspiration based on truth becomes a force which helps in climbing  to the coveted glory.
Inspiration sharpen our intelligence and expands our imagination.
It has angelic touch  which can change the world.

It has power to save us from all disaster.
It can overcome any obstacles that stands in the way of our success.
It enlighten us and show us the truth..
Inspiration has
power to carry us from damn  failure to  a spectacular success.
Inspiration is such a
magical word which can enliven a deadly mind to glorious life.
Inspiration creates a glorious mind and gives full strength to the mind and body.

Prof.Dr.Maheswar Das @Copyright.

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