Soiree.. Arka T Chakrvarty
The elf of my self always finds me
In the storm and the sunrise
Like the echoing whispers.
I am reborn over the vales
Like the moss-wet wind
I touch the moony sky,
And is awakened in the Words of the holy scriptures.
Born again and again,
Every minute, every second
I am born anew always.
Fairly like the lilies that dance and sway
To be born afresh,
Similar colour, familiar scent.
In a chapter old
I am a word of music,
And a tone of poetry..
A brisk morning I become ,
An evening soiree of stars--
an ancient lore.
Copyright@Arka T Chakrvarty, 15.9.21©®
In the storm and the sunrise
Like the echoing whispers.
I am reborn over the vales
Like the moss-wet wind
I touch the moony sky,
And is awakened in the Words of the holy scriptures.
Born again and again,
Every minute, every second
I am born anew always.
Fairly like the lilies that dance and sway
To be born afresh,
Similar colour, familiar scent.
In a chapter old
I am a word of music,
And a tone of poetry..
A brisk morning I become ,
An evening soiree of stars--
an ancient lore.
Copyright@Arka T Chakrvarty, 15.9.21©®
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