اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

The Innocent Flowers Of Heaven,.. Kamrul Islam


Children are the green soft plants of Eden
The spreading essence of civilization,
The most blessed and adorable to God.

Tied with labors erodes the essence of
The delicate hearts of the lights of future,
The stubborn  corporate bats cruelly sucking
The blood of the innocent flesh ignoring
Nature’s doctrine only for amassing wealth!

Nothing would be right on this hard times
Until you look at them by loving eyes,
Your hands of cuddles be more gracious,
Your lips of kisses be soaked in divine dew!
To herald a new era of peace,
Love the children to make the globe
A heavenly beach…

We must extend our hands to the unfed
And underprivileged kids of the world,
As they are the innocent flowers of heaven,
Let them bloom with fragrance
By the delicate touch of your hands,
Opening the vast sky of your emphatic heart.

©Kamrul Islam

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