اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

The needs of enlightenment.. Dr Suresh Chandra Sarangi


We must learn how to turn the eyes inwards
The eagerness of the eyes to see
Onwards should be restricted
This world around us is making
Such noise that it draws
The mind outwards.
How can we see the self?
This going onwards must be stopped.
That's what meant by turning,
The eyes onwards.
And the glory of the supreme knowledge
Within I'll be seen

From the unreal,leads to us the real.
From the darkness,leads us unto light.
From death,lead us to immortality.
And evermore protect us
O thou terrible !
By thy sweet compassionate face.

Arise, awake, and learnt,
By approaching the excellent ones.
The wise one describe that way
To be as impossible as a knife's edge.
Which when sharpened
That's very difficult to tread on.

Those who dare therefore,
To struggle for victory, truth, rationality
In the right way
And that what the humanity preaches:
Be not the way very difficult.
Therefore arise, awake, and find,
The ideal, the goal.

There can't be two infinites,
For they would limit each other
And would become finite.
The visible universe of infinite extension come out.
The infinite remains the same.
Even though the infinite universe has out of it.

Therefore we should see others
With eyes of love, with sympathy,
Knowing that we are going alone
The same way that we have trodden.

Dr Suresh Chandra Sarangi

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