اخر الاخبار

آخر الأخبار

The sky is dim .. Dr.Okram Shakuntala


What a nature!
The sky looks dim
The clouds are crying
The stars are falling down
Perhaps,there is a great disorder

When a mountain!
Trembling like a dry leaf
With a slow western wind
Offering a charming sound
Singing a song of love's life
Is it in love with someone unknown?
Is it mad in its love?
Why does it tremble?
Perhaps it has fever
The fever of love
The fever of love

How can it get its love?
Can it really love?
Can it feel the passion?
Can it have the emotions?
Can it have feelings?
How can it make love?
Really it is very great
That a big mountain is in love

Copyright @Dr.Okram Shakuntala

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