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to love.. Ynes Carpinntero


Loving is not simply saying I love you.
Loving brings with it a series of feelings that are difficult to control.
Loving is trust, it is fidelity, it is peace, it implies feeling that you belong to someone without belonging.
To love is to go through your dreams to be able to be by your side and that you feel that I am there with you.
It's inspiring for you when you feel like you can't breathe.
It is sleeping with you even when you are far away.
To love is to perceive your sadness and turn it into joy just by seeing you and smiling.
To love is to sit next to him and make him feel that he is not alone.
To love is to love its dark nights and its clear days without differentiating its coldness.
It is trembling with passion between his and falling asleep fused to you with the melody of your heart.
To love is to quench your thirst in the spring of your sweet mouth.
It is dawn drunk with passion in your arms and not knowing why.
To love is to live eternally in your eyes and not want to leave your pupils, to feel that you are part of that world without being told.
To love is to walk hand in hand along the paths of life, jumping and overcoming obstacles always united.
It is talking and filing the differences that we may have to be more empathetic and grow together in the difficult world of love.
To love is to have and to count on one another.
It is kissing your dreams and feeling them mine. .

Ynes Carpinntero
Barcelona, ​​Venezuela
09-13-2021, 6:48 pm
Copyright reserved.

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